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BAOS: Beer & Other Shhh Podcast

Nov 2, 2016

What started out as a casual, guest free podcast reviewing the Cameron's mixer pack they kindly sent us, quickly (or slowly?) turned into the longest episode of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Beers Reviewed: Cameron's Brewmaster's Selection Pack.

This week's podcast is sponsored by BrewHeads: for all your craft beer gear needs. Use the code BAOS for 15% off your order; 

Toronto Urban Adventures: for the best craft beer tours in Toronto. Use the code BREWHEADS for 20% off your next tour; 

Illnote Studios: for all your Mixing, Mastering and Production needs, receive 15% off when you contact them and mention the podcast.

Theme tune: Cee - BrewHeads.

Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube!