Jun 13, 2024
Ottawa's Tooth & Nail is both one of Ontario's most heralded and more underrated breweries at the same time. They've made our Top 10 Breweries in Ontario list every year due to their incredibly well-crafted beers, and it's a crime that we waited three years to catch up with Matty. Cee and Nate chatted with Matt about how they got their initial traction via Vim & Vigor, why he doesn't dry hop Pilsners, why foam is essential in beer, when beer stopped being a hobby, how they came up with their Extra Pale Ale, Matt's desert island beers, his love for Belgian beers and his collab project with Bim of Godspeed, why Centennial might be the GOAT of hops, and the importance of educating the consumer. They got into Grace & Gratitude Whole Cone Saaz Hop Lager, Vim & Vigor Pilsner, Exile Extra Pale Ale, Valor Classic Saison, Rabble Rouser India Pale Ale, and Fortitude Stout. This was impeccable - cheers!
BAOS Podcast
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