Dec 18, 2024
Florida is one of our favourite places on the planet, so it's always a treat to discover and chat with a brewery from the Sunshine State. Home State Brewing Co. is based out of Winter Gardens, FL, just outside of Orlando, and they've been knocking out some amazing liquid in their short existence. Marco Reyna and Tyler Rosenberg joined Cee to chat about their respective impeccable brewing histories, their approach to their beer and the experience of the taproom, the cafe side of their business via Filigree Coffee and their motto "Work from Home State", their love for lagers, what a Florida IPA is, how they got together with the biggest producer of Cuban bread in the world for a collab beer, what a "girthy" lager is, and how the Florida scene has changed over the years. They got into six killer Home State brews - Party Goblin American Lager, Oh My Gatos! Florida-Inspired IPA, La Segunda Pre-Prohibition Lager collab with La Segunda Bakery, Kokomo Radler with Pineapple, Ginger and Hibiscus, Doctor's Orders Hefeweizen, and Adults Are Talking Pilsner. This was super fun - cheers!
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