Apr 8, 2020
As you all are pretty aware, basically civilization is cancelled for the foreseeable future. We had to put our current season, Against The Grain, on hold, and also postpone the next season that we'd already started working on. We had already planned to do an Adjunct Series of somewhat random podcasts to fill the gaps between themed seasons, so now we bring you the Quarantine Edition.
Since Cee and our producer Tiffany Alexis are isolating together, this is the new BAOS podcast team until things get back to normal. In celebration of Dieu du Ciel's Journée Péché that didn't go down on March 21st, they busted open the 2019 Péché Pack (as they weren't able to get their hands on the 2020 yet) and talked about what everyone else is talking about - the Rona. Note: All episodes will be live streamed on YouTube the weekend prior to the audio release.
BAOS Podcast
Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube | Website | Theme tune: Cee - BrewHeads