Oct 21, 2020
While interviewing breweries, learning about their stories and trying their range of beers is our fave thing to do, sometimes it's nice to just hang out with an old friend and shoot the breeze. Noah Forrest runs Beerism, Quebec's premier Anglophone craft beer blog. He's been on the podcast a handful of times as both a guest and a co-host, so since the scheduled podcast was postponed, we figured we may as well drink some fire and hang out.
We got into some amazing beers - 3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze, Messorem Bracitorium's Sous Une Autre Forme IPA, Brasserie Générale's CocovalaN pastry stout and 5e Baron's Berlin Berry - while chatting about the difference between a gueuze and a lambic, how the SAQ works, why wine is so fire, and a whole lot of other fun nonsense. Get drunk with us!
BAOS Podcast
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